Hello blog world! We'd like to introduce ourselves, I'm Jayme and this is Crystal
and we are excited to begin to bring you what we feel like is the best of the best in health. We have been constantly learning over the years and compiling quite the knowledge bank of exactly how to treat your body and mind to be the best you can be. We are two fitness professionals with a passion for health and nutrition and combined experience of 14 years in the health industry. I guess that means we feel justified and qualified to share what we have learned with confidence that...well, that YOU need to know it! If you'd like to know more about us see...ABOUT US.
The idea for this blog came from two places. First Crystal was on the line with her Mom for one of their nearly daily nutrition talks. Linda (Crystal's Mom) is constantly learning about nutrition and loves to share. She is up to, not just the date but the minute, on the absolute healthiest things you can do for you body. She reads incessantly on nutrition and is a frequent to health institutes across the country. Then, my phone rings its my sister calling for nutrition advice. So we are getting advice on one phone and sending it on the other. After our calls we were feeling so blessed to know what we know, have healthy bodies, and have access to so much more information we decided the best thing to do was share with EVERYONE we could. This is our effort to do just that.
We have zero intentions to pass on information you will hear from health fads or crash diets. This is discussion on life long, disease curing, life altering, never look back to your old way of doing things health and wellness. Nothing dealing with health is off limits...fitness, nutrition, mind-body, product reviews, all of the do's and don'ts of making your way in this day and age trying to do right by your body. Its not about limiting yourself, it's about educating yourself so your old ways of doing things just don't make good sense anymore.
We hope to have tons of feed back communications and questions from everyone in blogger land.
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