Thursday, November 18, 2010

Helping fight obesity!

  Are you the type of person that likes to eat at buffets?

Ok...even if your saying “no, not really.” I know there are occasions when going is out of your hands and you find yourself with the problem of portion control.
We went to buffet last night for dinner, a soup and salad type place. It definitely did have healthy options which I appreciated. But why then, when I looked around at the other patrons in the restaurant were they all in the obese category?
I'm not talking a little belly...these people were part of the epidemic that The World Health Organization is talking about when they state more than 1 billion adults are overweight and 300 million of them are obese. These people are put at a much higher risk of diabetes, heart problems, high blood pressure, stroke and some forms of cancer.
Even scarier to me is half of the people in there had a little child with them between the ages of 7 and 13 years old. These kids are definitely part of the 16 to 33 percent of children in the United States who are obese.
Wake up people...just because you are eating a salad does not mean you are eating healthy. I saw one little boy who dumped 3 huge cups of ranch dressing on his plate and sprinkled it with 5 pieces of lettuce.
Parents there is a healthy option for dressing. It is called Braggs Liquid Aminos. It is a vegetable protein seasoning that can really be put on all sorts of things. And it contains 16 amino acids that are bodies need!

You can get it at almost any grocery store or from this site and then carry it in your purse or bag spitz it on your salad skip the ranch and you are set!

So go make some little changes that could end up making a big difference!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

So much more than being bendy

This weekend was huge in both our lives.  We have been taking/teaching yoga classes for about two years, and never have we had such an experience as this.
If you are into the yoga world or not you probably know it is big in the fitness world.  Professional sports teams are using it to get their athletes more balanced and flexible and there are folks in yoga studios and gyms all over the United States who turn the heat up to 90 degrees plus and hold poses that look like they don't have any tendon or ligament connections at all.

We are into all of that ;)

But this yoga teaching training took yoga to a whole new level.  It was not just about the physical it was about the mental, the spiritual and the psychological connection that we have with our bodies, our minds and the world around us.
Incredibly enlightening!
Now don't get me wrong I struggle not letting my mind run wild with stupid thoughts and various tasks during an hour + meditation.  But just like anything...get's better with practice.
Spending time on yourself in not just a physical way but an emotional way that slows you down rather than speeds you up will add so much clarity to your life and hopefully make you appreciate the little things even more.
Life is such a beautiful thing why do we spend a moment of it carrying all that negative baggage with us?
So....go practice some yoga today. It may just open up your world.


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

How to be your healthy best

Hello blog world!  We'd like to introduce ourselves, I'm Jayme and this is Crystal

and we are excited to begin to bring you what we feel like is the best of the best in health.  We have been constantly learning over the years and compiling quite the knowledge bank of exactly how to treat your body and mind to be the best you can be.  We are two fitness professionals with a passion for health and nutrition and combined experience of 14 years in the health industry.  I guess that means we feel justified and qualified to share what we have learned with confidence that...well, that YOU need to know it!  If you'd like to know more about us see...ABOUT US.

The idea for this blog came from two places. First Crystal was on the line with her Mom for one of their nearly daily nutrition talks.  Linda (Crystal's Mom) is constantly learning about nutrition and loves to share.  She is up to, not just the date but the minute, on the absolute healthiest things you can do for you body.  She reads incessantly on nutrition and is a frequent to health institutes across the country.  Then, my phone rings its my sister calling for nutrition advice.  So we are getting advice on one phone and sending it on the other.  After our calls we were feeling so blessed to know what we know, have healthy bodies, and have access to so much more information we decided the best thing to do was share with EVERYONE we could.  This is our effort to do just that.

We have zero intentions to pass on information you will hear from health fads or crash diets.  This is discussion on life long, disease curing, life altering, never look back to your old way of doing things health and wellness.  Nothing dealing with health is off, nutrition, mind-body, product reviews, all of the do's and don'ts of making your way in this day and age trying to do right by your body.  Its not about limiting yourself, it's about educating yourself so your old ways of doing things just don't make good sense anymore.

We hope to have tons of feed back communications and questions from everyone in blogger land.