Tuesday, November 16, 2010

So much more than being bendy

This weekend was huge in both our lives.  We have been taking/teaching yoga classes for about two years, and never have we had such an experience as this.
If you are into the yoga world or not you probably know it is big in the fitness world.  Professional sports teams are using it to get their athletes more balanced and flexible and there are folks in yoga studios and gyms all over the United States who turn the heat up to 90 degrees plus and hold poses that look like they don't have any tendon or ligament connections at all.

We are into all of that ;)

But this yoga teaching training took yoga to a whole new level.  It was not just about the physical it was about the mental, the spiritual and the psychological connection that we have with our bodies, our minds and the world around us.
Incredibly enlightening!
Now don't get me wrong I struggle not letting my mind run wild with stupid thoughts and various tasks during an hour + meditation.  But just like anything...get's better with practice.
Spending time on yourself in not just a physical way but an emotional way that slows you down rather than speeds you up will add so much clarity to your life and hopefully make you appreciate the little things even more.
Life is such a beautiful thing why do we spend a moment of it carrying all that negative baggage with us?
So....go practice some yoga today. It may just open up your world.


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